Wednesday 7 November 2012

OATH Analysis


Here, we go over the OATH specification, and point out some potential problems.

The OATH specification details a couple of methods of producing One-Time Passwords (OTPs) and verifying them.

I am going to leave the significantly more complex OCRA challenge/response algorithm to another blog post here. 

HOTP Algorithm

The HMAC-Based One-Time Password (HOTP) scheme allows for the generation of OTPs that can be verified by a server. They are only properly suited for authenticating to one verifier, as they contain a counter which can become out of sync between the HOTP generator and the verifier.

The algorithm is as follows; the generator has stored on it a key, K and a counter C. In order to generate an OTP, the generator produces HMAC-SHA-1(K,C), truncates it to not less than 6 decimal digits and shows it. Mathematically, this can be expressed as:

HOTP(Key, Counter) = StringToNumber(DynamicTruncate(HMAC-SHA-1(K, C)))

DyanmicTruncate is an interesting function. It takes the last nibble (That is the bitwise-and of the final byte and 0xf) and uses it to jump somewhere into the output of HMAC-SHA-1(K,C), select 4 sequential bytes and treats them as a 32-bit integer (with the bitwise and of the most significant byte and 0x7F).

StringToNumber then computes the modulus of the dynamic truncation mod 10^{Digits} where Digits is the number of digits you want the output to be. Digits is expected to be 6, 7, or 8.


The key is a shared secret and requires the shared secret to retrievable as plain text. This suffers from many of the same issues which are covered in a previous blog post. Primarily credential leak.

The agorithm isn't stateless with respect to it's previous executions, that is to say, if the counter gets out of sync, the server should stop accepting the OTPs.

TOTP Algorithm

The Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) scheme is vastly the same as the HOTP algorithm, except T is a time-based parameter. Often constructed so that it updates once a minute. Mathematically, this is:


T = floor((CurrentUnixTime - T0 / TimeStep))

Where T0 is the time to start counting steps. One can tweak the StringToNumber function to give 6 to 8 digits, just the same as in the HOTP scheme.


There is no counter based on the number of times the algorithm has been executed, which means that, given the key is shared between multiple verifiers, they can all independently verify the OTPs without needing to sync their counters. This is nice in some ways, but very bad in others, as it could be seen to be an encouragement to share keys.

There is also the issue of needing an OTP twice during the same time slice. What becomes of the old one? Do you just accept it? This makes it susceptible to fast replay or MITM attacks, as a person who realises they've given away a key they shouldn't have must wait for the key to become invalid, rather than being able to manually invalidate it.


Broadly speaking, criticisms that can be levelled at one can be levelled at the other.

Output Format

The output format that was decided on in the introductory parts of the paper makes some sense, a 6 to 8 digit OTP can be entered on almost any device, and 6 to 8 digit LCD displays are cheap, making it possible to produce these devices in hardware cheaply.

It also faciliates an 'air-gap' device, which is where the code is displayed on a screen. A human can be expected to reliably type 6 to 8 digits. a 50 character digital signature not so much. This means that the OTPs can be used every where. Home computers, laptops, touch screen devices, mobile phones, locked-down internet cafes with no USB ports, and so on.

However, such a limited output format completely precludes the possibility of a stronger form of authentication. For example, outputting an ID, counter/timestamp and a digital signature would be very good, and prevent the need for shared secrets.


If you read this blog regularly, you are probably well aware that I find the idea of shared-secrets to be quite un-nerving.

Not only that, but the requirement to have the keys in plain text for computing HMAC-SHA-1(K,C) is somewhat problematic. You can't protect them cryptographically. What that means is that for serious institutions, they would have to invest in a hardware key storage module, that is tamper-resistant. This makes a wide deployment of these for a high-security system slightly more expensive, and any software would need to interface with it.

This means that for most purposes, you should generate a new key for every service that you wished to authenticate against, as no-one can reliably be trusted to protect your key. This is no better than needing a unique pass phrase for each service that you authenticate with in many respects. Yes, the secret will be hard to guess, but spilling it will be awful.

I can envision a smart phone app which supports OATH. It would store a unique key for every service that you want to authenticate with, and only provide an OTP from an encrypted keystore when a master pass phrase was presented. I am tempted to write one just for the hell of it and get back into Programming Android.

Such an application would be great as a second layer of authentication for most services.

Other Attacks


Given that the shared-secrets are recommended to be 160 bits, brute forcing the secret is not likely to be an option.

However, if a server does not rate limit my guesses, I only have to enumerate 10^{Digits} worth of codes to have a verification server deem my OTP valid. Typically, this is only 1,000,000 requests to a server, which modern hardware and can do easily -- especially with a botnet.


Broadly speaking, a correctly implemented HOTP verification server is not vulnerable to a replay attack. However, a TOTP verification server may be.

Man-in-the-Middle (MITM)

All of the OTPs are vulnerable to relatively quick (MITM) attacks. Phising attacks and such are a real danger to this system.


Overall, I would say that an HOTP/TOTP capable device was more versatile than a YubiKey, but also less secure, as it is expensive for an organisation to protect their shared secrets, and shared secrets cannot be cryptographically hashed to secure them.

Hopefully, OCRA may solve some of the above problems without impeding the usability of the device, but I've yet to look into it.. 

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